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Shashin Doshi, M.D.

Senior Councilor, NYLF Medicine
Alumnus, Careers in Medicine 1993
Diagnostic Radiologist, Beaumont Health System

Welcome to the web site of the National Youth Leadership Forum: Careers in Medicine, an Envision Program. If you have been selected to attend the Forum on Medicine, please accept my congratulations! I encourage you to take your place among some of the most highly accomplished students in the nation who will be taking part in the Forum and exploring a career in the medical field.

My first exposure to medicine came through my own participation in NYLF Medicine as a high school student, and I've continued my relationship with the Forum, now as a practicing physician. I highly recommend this experience to you – it will help you answer the questions you must have about becoming a medical professional and show you the steps you should take now to ensure your successful future.

The world of medicine awaits you! I wish you the best of experiences at the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine this summer and beyond!


Shashin Doshi, M.D.
Senior Councilor to the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine.