Request Info 866-858-5323

Experiential Learning programs help aspirational students choose the right major and make solid career decisions while still in high school.

Envision Your Future

The benefits of investing in hands-on career experience before graduating high-school will return great rewards:

  • Discover what your future looks like as a professional

  • Choose the right major now and save money in college

  • Build the college-ready, career-ready, and life-ready skills you need to succeed,
          no matter what you decide to do

The Power of Potential is Yours

If you want to Envision your future but need to explore payment options, we are here to help. Please have a look at our Tuition, Scholarship, Fundraising, and Payment Plan links below or call our Admissions Office at 866-858-5323 to see how we can help make your program possible.



Tuition for the Envision Game & Technology Academy covers most of the expenses incurred during the program. Tuition DOES NOT cover transportation to and from the program. LEARN MORE


ScholarshipsEnvision offers a limited number of scholarships to qualified students each year based upon financial need, scholastic leadership, achievements, and other factors. LEARN MORE


Fundraising Let us show you how other students use fundraising to cover some or all of their tuition costs. Make fundraising part of your  personal success story. LEARN MORE

Payment Plan

Payment Plan You may pay in full today or choose to use one of our payment options.