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Become an Ambassador

The application deadline for this program has passed. Please check back soon!

Help Others Discover Their Best Path

At Envision, we help students turn their career and life aspirations into reality. As an Envision Alumni Ambassador, you have the unique perspective and opportunity to help others experience hands-on skills, lasting friendships, and impactful self-discoveries.

The Envision Alumni Ambassador’s mission is to:
  • Serve as a representative of Envision and its programs
  • Advocate for and connect communities of high aspiring students
  • Facilitate impactful interactions with prospective students and their parents

Find Out More

  • What is an Envision Alumni Ambassador?

    As an Ambassador, you must be willing to share your Envision story and serve as a reference to future students and their parents. There is no one better able to share with others how the experience can help determine a career choice or develop leadership traits than our alumni and their parents.

    There are three types of Envision Ambassadors:

    Platinum Ambassadors
    Host an informational Google Hangout for potential program attendees and speak to other students and teachers at your school (or a neighboring school), write about your life experiences on our blog and advocate for Envision on social media and serve as a reference for our Office of Admissions. As a Platinum Ambassador you can earn up to $2,000 for your college fund.

    Gold Ambassadors
    Write about your life experiences on our blog, advocate for Envision on social media and serve as a reference for our Office of Admissions. Gold Ambassadors can earn up to $1,000 for their college fund.

    Admissions Ambassador
    Be a reference for our Office of Admissions, interacting with parents and students about your experience via email or a phone, and receive a special Ambassador Welcome Kit. 

  • What’s in it for me?
    Spend one year serving as a Platinum or Gold Envision Alumni Ambassador and earn money for your college fund (or a college fund of your choice if you’re already out of college), while gaining access to exciting networking opportunities with your peers and colleagues. Platinum and Gold Ambassadors will receive an Ambassador Handbook, webinar-based training, and Welcome Kit; Admissions Ambassadors will receive the Welcome Kit.
  • How do I apply to become an Envision Alumni Ambassador?
    Simply fill out our online application.
  • Are there eligibility requirements?

    You must be an alumni of an Envision program (including CYLC, GYLC, NYLC, NYLSC, JrNYLC, NYLF, ISLP and LeadAmerica programs). Verification is required.

    A positive attitude and a willingness to share your experience are a must.

    You must also have an active social media presence on at least one of the following channels: a personal blog, Twitter, YouTube, or Instagram.

    You can be located anywhere in the world, but we are looking for influencers whose content is communicated in English.

  • I’ve already applied, but I need to update my information. Where can I do that?
    Email us at with your full name and update with clear reference to your Ambassador application.
  • What are some reasons why people are declined for the program?

    Failure to complete the application properly or failing to meet the minimum eligibility requirements listed above will result in an application being declined.